August begins

1 minute read. Content warning: None.

chatGPT Summary: Kay introduces August’s prompt, focused on self-reflection and identity, acknowledging their struggle with the theme while expressing a commitment to exploring the components that define who they are.

Vancouver, on occupied MST territory – August has arrived and with it, KM supplied our final prompt. It is focused on asking us to reflect on the ingredients that make up our selves. This prompt feels very much like my friend, and I’ll admit, I’m struggling with it. I don’t really enjoy focusing on what makes me, me, but I am up for a challenge, held by people I trust.

Our August prompt follows:

Components of You

What are the pieces that make you, you? (1)

What do you think of when you imagine the person that you are? (2)

What smells, images, textures, sounds, memories, or objects do you feel represent core parts of who you are? (3)

What labels, groups, identities, adjectives do you hold onto? (4)

Take this prompt as a mirror, made of whatever materials you would like, is there a magnifying lens, picking out the fibres of your clothing? The pores of your skin or the texture of your hair? What has informed your fashion sense? What do your eyes reveal? What psychedelic internal animation happens when the lens zooms into your interior?

Humans are diverse, fluid beings, We are dynamic, and constantly responding to our dynamics. There is evidence that the things we experience change our genes, and that our responses to these stimuli have the potential to be passed down for generations. What are the things that exist in your genes? Do you feel like there is anything without which you couldn’t quite be you? (5)

Once again, I have marked each specific question with a number to reflect on some of the individual questions during the month.

Technology note:

I continue to test the use of AI within my writing and artistic practice. I used chatGPT to create a summary for this blog, and Grammarly to assist me in spelling and grammar.