Kay Slater, Artist CV

Illustrator, Multidisciplinary Artist, Arts Worker, and Preparator at kayslater dot ca.

Introduction and Format

This CV is written using HTML where headings and semantic tags are used to prioritize screen readers and magnification users to engage with the content without barriers. However, if a PDF or plain text version of this document is more accessible, please contact me at kay at k-d-o-t dot c-a.

This CV also uses italic styles to follow publishing conventions and recognized published content, but I acknowedge that italics create access barriers to many readers. I have created a toggle link option here so you can choose to turn them on and off as you need.

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Highlights of professional and ongoing projects

Multidisciplinary Artist and Presenter

Note: My art practice spans my career as an arts worker, commercial illustrator, graphic designer, and exhibiting artist and filmmaker. I do not see my work as an arts worker separate from my practice. As such, this experience category highlights my work as a workshop facilitator, public speaker, performer, writer, and more, as well as my exhibition history. It does not include the 100+ exhibitions I have worked on as a preparator or show designer over the past decade, nor commissioned logo or commercial illustration work.

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Arts Worker - Administration & Preparation

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Relevant Education

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